ADARA Meditation - Level 1 Workshop presented by Dylan Beinke
ADARA Meditation
Discover the True Art of Meditation
• improve your concentration
• deepen your awareness
• heighten your senses
ADARA is the Sanskrit word for HONOUR.
ADARA MEDITATION is the wholistic approach to meditation. This truly unique workshop offers a complete understanding of the core principles that determine our ability to meditate. You will learn how to consciously align and connect with the Universal and Natural Laws that govern your reality.
Adara Meditation is all-encompassing, all-embracing and all-inclusive, which means you will learn the underlying principles to every single meditation method, mindfulness technique, and physical practice - like yoga, Tai Chi etc. You will come to know if and when they are right for you or others.
There is a lot of information and misinformation about meditation. To be effective in meditation, you must be able to distinguish between the many different mindfulness techniques and methods of relaxation that are often mistaken as meditation. This event will define exactly what is and isn't meditation, and reveals the true art of meditation. It will show you how we can bring together all existing techniques and apply them to each individual as needed.
Adara meditation also gives us the ability to break down our experiences into clearly defined stages. Whether you are an absolute beginner or advanced in your practice, you will learn the tools and techniques you require to progress in a way that is true and effective. You will also come to fully understand what may be limiting your experience.
As a beginner, you can avoid the common pitfalls many face when starting, and swiftly attain a deep meditative state. Advanced practitioners will be able to deepen their awareness and determine exactly where they are on their journey. The benefits of the Adara Meditation techniques will improve and enhance your capacity to function in every area of your life.
Like anything practical, you need to try it in order to have the experience. It is like you have been doing the same type of yoga every day, and you suddenly realise there are dozens of different types of yoga out there. People experience the same with the Adara Meditation Workshops, where they realise they have only been looking at meditation one way. This intensive workshop opens up a whole new universe of possibilities and potentials.
Adara Meditation is like combining all the yoga styles, then based on the laws that govern the art, clearly defining every stage of growth and individualising the practice. In the same way, there are distinct stages of a plants evolution from a seed to a flower, meditation is a process with definite stages of practice, which Adara meditation manages to define.
People are like flowers; you can’t pry them open even if you want to, they need time. The rate of growth at each stage varies from person to person. However, with the right input, they can accelerate the process. Adara Meditation enables each individual to determine their stage of practice, so they can draw upon the required factors to nourish and support their growth.
Some of our best clients have been really experienced meditators. They move into the deeper practices really quickly, because they have got the raw skills. What they didn't know about that were factors stunting their growth. Once aware, they were able to go beyond what they anticipated.
• those who find meditation difficult or impossible
• successful teachers who want to deepen and expand their knowledge
• athletes and business people who want to enhance their performance
• parents who want to help themselves and their children stay happy and healthy
• people in relationships who seek to establish and deepen their connection
• anyone suffering an illness and wants to find ways of supporting their recovery
• health practitioners and healers who want to improve their ability to help others
• everyone wanting to be empowered so they can find the answers to life’s challenges
• exactly what is and isn't meditation
• how to incorporate all other techniques into your practice
• why practising meditation is the key to maintaining balance in your life
• understand the many healing benefits of the Adara Dhyana techniques
• the core methods that ensure you continue to improve
• all the factors that support your ongoing practice
• the best places and times of the day to practice
• simple techniques that form the solid foundation of the art
• a comprehensive look into the true nature of the mind and thoughts
• how to determine your level of real knowledge and skill
LOCATION: Streaky Bay, SA
DURATION: 2 days
5th - 6th June
TIMES: 9am - 5pm
PRICE: *SPECIAL OFFER* ADARA Meditation workshops are valued at $600 - this workshop is being offered as a BY DONATION event - thanks to those who have attended the previous events and honoured the donation system I will run this event by donation to ensure it is accessible to all-trusting that those who can afford to will honour the time and effort that goes into presenting these workshops
*BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL - seats are limited*
Dylan Beinke: 0428272393