SILENCE: When it all goes without saying

In my book THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, I define The Conscious and Dualistic States. I share how The Conscious State is based on The Conscious Experience, which is being able to consciously maintain internal and external stillness, emptiness and silence. The Conscious Expression is therefore a natural flow within this true experience.

Real silence is not just the absence of noise or talking. It is the natural outcome of internal and external stillness and emptiness. Keep in mind that stillness is a point within and beyond time, and emptiness is a point within and beyond space. Therefore, experiencing the depths of silence reflects a transcendent state, beyond mind and ego.

Silence is the result of being in the natural state of Grace. Once you are able to maintain this state, the Truth is self-evident, indisputable and undeniable. You are able to fully realise the fact that not only does everything go without saying, but nothing you say (or do) is actually going to make any difference in anyone’s life.

When those around you are not in a state of Grace, nothing you say or do is actually going to be interpreted Truthfully. The momentum of their false reality prevents them from being able to stop, therefore finding stillness is impossible. The silence required for them to hear the Truth within your sharing is not within their paradigm. The chance of conflict and confusion arising within communication and sharing increases in proportion to the degree to which the most unintegrated person lacks stillness, emptiness and silence.

When you communicate with others experiencing true silence, your expressions are received as you sharing your Truth, not voicing an opinion based on a dualistic state. All communication can be in celebration of The 12 Divine Elements at work within The 6 Elements of Consciousness. True communication is free of all rivalry and competition. Nothing is taken personally or seriously. All differences are embraced as a manifestation of the diversity within consciousness.

As within everything in The Nature of Life, the all or nothing Laws apply to silence. Once aware of all the factors that determine The Conscious State, it becomes immediately obvious whether you or anyone else is anchored in the Truth or not.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand how to experience the depths of silence, I encourage you to read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world.. Click on the link below to purchase your copy of the eBook.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

PURITY, CREATIVITY AND SELFLESSNESS: How to find your creative genius

Purity essentially means the absence of selfishness, or the “What’s in it for me” attitude. Purity means you are not seeking to create an impression on anyone to gain approval, or wanting anything in return for your actions. Very few people realise that the only way to stay pure is to consciously maintain synergy within Nature, Soul and Food. This ensures you remain in a creative flow within your own reality. Being creative aligns and connects you with the pure essence of your being and life itself.

If an individual is not immersed in their own creativity, there will be a lack of purity. This by nature causes a destructive element in their thoughts, words and deeds. Instead of being empty and instrumental to the Divine creative flow, they are full of doubts, judgments and questions. The focus of their attention will drift outwardly, and fix itself on the apparent flaws within other’s reality, personality or character.

When immersed in your own creative genius, you are free of all outward going thoughts. There is no room whatsoever for getting caught up in the world. Least of all for sticking your nose into other people’s business. You are not the slightest bit concerned about other people’s attitudes and behaviours. Therefore, your creative flow is actually in proportion to how much you have learnt to mind your own business, and able to stay saturated with the experience of beauty, goodness and freedom.

Ultimately, the most selfless thing you can do is immerse yourself in your own creativity. This is the only way you can ever achieve your true potential. Until you have fulfilled your potential, you will not be able to carry out the roles necessary to fulfil your purpose.

In a sense, humanity needs you to get your act together and share your highest and purest Truth with everyone. This is all the Universe is asking of you. Just this one thing:
Be true to yourself and get on with living and sharing everything you have been created to be.

The only way you can share it is if you are already living it wholly and solely yourself. If you don’t have the courage to follow your dreams and inspirations, then this alternative paradigm simply won’t ever reveal itself to you.

Essentially, the experience of pure creative expression is the ultimate fun we can have. If we consider that the meaning of life is to have fun, and the purpose of life is to share the fun with as many people as possible - it stands to reason that if you are not having fun doing the things you truly Love, then your life will lack meaning and purpose.

The ultimate Truth is, and always will be, Pure and simple.

Don’t you just Love it?!

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


If you want to find your true creative genius, you can purchase my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. by clicking the link below.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.


What people are telling us


"I have been using THE NATURE OF LIFE book and The Universal Kinetics, and I am surprised at the results. It's accuracy is perfect because the language is complete. I am still learning to work with this tool and I’m very excited. I love The 12 Aspects chart and its purpose being to provide a totally wholistic approach."
Joy, Gold Coast, Australia.   


"I use the foundation of information section to help me with my studies. It is gives me a clear understanding about what I know and don't know about a certain topic."
K T, Melbourne, Australia


"Although I am a massage therapist, sometimes I feel like a counselor. THE NATURE OF LIFE has helped me understand the human condition, so that I am able to relate to anyone who walks into my massage room. Overall, it has deepened my sense of compassion for people and made me a much better therapist ."
Christie, NSW


"I LOVE this book! I use it to better understand my childrens' needs."
Kate Murphy


"I had been searching for a long time through the internet and piles of books about spirituality and truths but nothing felt quite right. I got rid of all my books when I found THE NATURE OF LIFE."
M T, Australia


"I love to dive deep into spirituality and have a natural curiosity about life and its meaning. This book really expanded my views of life, my heart and mind, I can't say I am the same person after reading it."  
S P,  Australia


"When I have a creative block I use The 21 Keys to Inspiration chart. This chart is one of my favourites! It helps me consciously connect to the element of nature or life I need to stay balanced and never fails to restore my creative flow. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you Brian :D"

K K, India


"Thank you for your dedication and ongoing work in health, for the good for all. Your book THE NATURE OF LIFE and profound insights have helped me in ways I didn't realize at the time.

Your sessions in Universal Kinetics are like no other. Since moving to another state, I have been unable to find any other teacher who has taught me the profound insights you share, or experienced a session of kinesiology like yours.

As a society, the more we are informed of the challenges and increasing difficulties of the state of health of humanity - mentally, physically and emotionally - with hospital overloads, overworked staff, the increase in mental illness, the foods we eat... all this and more, your "All or Nothing" attitude to Life is the only way we are able to help ourselves and others. Your teachings show us how we can do this and where to start!

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, it has helped me a great deal!
I look forward to your next visit to Melbourne.

With Gratitude.
Natalina xo"

Thank you Natalina.
Brian :)


"From my own experience this was very helpful and it's a wonderful ongoing voyage. My earlier experiences in life kept telling me to grow inside and there seemed so many pressures and so little time. But by focusing on growing its greatly continues to help, also to feel more connected and the success this brings.

For my work, as founding a technical company, it is as team with these understandings that we are achieving the successes we never dreamed of. It's wonderful to be part of a meaningful enlightenment, caring and sharing team. Today when we look for new team members to join us we especially value these understandings and so wish to help."
Tom T


"Coming across the seminars and workshops offered by Brian has been an absolute blessing to me.  It was the first stepping-stone to change direction and start heading to a happier, healthier life.  Experiencing depression at the time, the clinical treatments were an absolute necessity to start putting my whole being back into balance. 

Brian’s work is a constant reference back to what is our natural state and potential as human beings.  Feeling the difference from before to now is just wonderful. It is a continuous work in progress and now having the ‘THE NATURE OF LIFE’ eBook in my hand keeps me on my path. It is flowing into my parenting as well as into my work as a driving instructor. It truly is a guiding force for me in all areas of life.

Thank you Brian for sharing your life’s work with the world.
So grateful."

Erika – Ocean Grove, VIC


"Thanks to Brian I was able to hone in on unidentifiable causes of asthma. Thanks to his kinesiology I'm able to improve my breathing with diet."
Greg T


These are just a handful of the testimonials we have received about
THE NATURE OF LIFE and Brian's work within Spectrom,
and we are happy to hear such positive results. 

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