Whats happening

This page highlights the outlook for the elements of Spectrom now and in the foreseeable future. These are the 12 branches of Spectrom that have developed and are still developing. The common purpose of all branches is to work together in the restoration of humanity’s ability to remain living in harmony with the Earth. 

  • Check the Calendar and Facebook for up to date workshops and developments in these areas.

The Elements of Spectrom

embracing the whole


Universal Kinetics (UK) is a revolutionary kinesiology system with a totally unique wholistic approach to health, fitness, wellbeing and healing. This radically new perspective is a real game-changer, as it integrates the fundamental principles and protocols of all existing kinesiology techniques, as well as all other healing modalities and treatments, to create one complete universal system.  UK utilises specialised methods of muscle testing to pinpoint the exact causes and treatments of disease. The comprehensive UK procedure offers the ultimate possible outcome, by determining what each individual requires at every stage of healing or development.

UK is the practical application of all the material Brian has developed over the last 30+ years. It applies the information and universal principles presented in his book THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world.  The workshops are accessible to everyone and don't require any prior education. They provide the ideal opportunity for all practitioners, particularly kinesiologists, to deepen and broaden their understanding and skills - and take their practices to a whole new level.

Read more on the new Universal Kinetics webpage.


The Brain Exercise Program enables participants to reach their true potential and thrive. This new and unique neurological program has been developed by Brian Gerard Schaefer over the last 30+ years. It is based on his extensive research, study and practice of a wide range of healing techniques and martial arts.

The Brain Exercise Program facilitates the development, remediation and integration of the body's natural pathways of communication. It draws upon all the latest scientific research from a wide range of fields. It is also based on all the ancient knowledge and wisdom from traditional medicines, yoga and martial arts. This means people can align and connect within all levels of being - their mind, body, soul and spirit - to then fulfil their ultimate purpose in life. The 18 stage program is presented in 4 different formats - a one-on-one 18 month personalised program, weekend group workshops, 2 hour classes and a training course.

The innate plasticity of the brain allows us to heal, develop and strengthen various pathways. Through performing The Brain Exercise Program's special '4D Exercises', each participant's tailored program can develop or repair pathways. and effectively restore function or integrate to at a higher performance level.

The program has been designed to enable participants to monitor their improvement. This makes it possible for them to accelerate their progress whenever possible. This program suits people of all ages and most conditions. It is especially beneficial for those with learning difficulties, autism, ADD and ADHD. It will also benefit anyone looking to improve their performance at work, in sports and education, as well as those seeking to improve their overall sense of wellbeing.

ADARA MEDITATION - Discover the True Art of Meditation

Adara is the Sanskrit word for Honour.

Adara Meditation is a new and wholistic approach to meditation. The workshops offer a complete understanding of the core principles that determine your ability to meditate. You will learn how to consciously align and connect with all the Universal forces that govern your reality.

There is a lot of information and misinformation about meditation. Adara Meditation defines exactly what is and isn't meditation. This method brings together all existing meditation and relaxation techniques, and breaks down the practitioner’s experience into clearly defined stages.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or advanced in your practice, you will connect with the tools and techniques you require to progress in a way that is true and effective. You will also come to fully understand what may be limiting your experience. As a beginner, you can avoid the common pitfalls many face when starting, and swiftly attain a deep meditative state. Advanced practitioners will be able to deepen their awareness and determine exactly where they are on their journey.

The benefits of the Adara Meditation techniques will improve and enhance your capacity to function in every area of your life.

*Brian's new eBook ADARA DHYANA: Discover the True Art of Meditation - coming soon*

Keep an eye out on the Calendar page for Adara Meditation workshops.

Read more on the new Adara Dhyana webpage.


Brian is working towards establishing a live in retreat centre that offers sanctuary to those seeking to heal or grow. This unique centre will be founded on Brian’s 30 years of research and material. The purpose is to provide the opportunity to learn about THE NATURE OF LIFE, and to awaken to our individual and collective potential.  It will offer people the chance to practice and cultivate skills required to thrive in daily life.


Eventually, Spectrom will network with both local and international practitioners offering individualised wholistic
treatments and consultations. Ultimately, Spectrom aims to establish a natural therapy hospital/sanctuary in every major city around the world.

Click here to read more.


Educational and Inspirational Books and Resources will be available. Brian is writing a series of 21 books -
THE NATURE OF LIFE is the first of this series. This book sets the foundation for all the material and elements within Spectrom yet to come. The books will cover every aspect and facet of life and consciousness. Some of the subjects
to be covered include:

The Conscious Being Workbook
The Nature of Healing
Energies and Properties of Food
Spiritual Psychology
Accelerated learning
Learning Difficulties
Neurological development and integration

*Brian's new eBook ADARA DHYANA: Discover the True Art of Meditation - coming soon*

In the future we will provide links to books that are in harmony with the vision of Spectrom.


A range of everyday products and items made exclusively out of sustainable natural materials, including organically
grown bamboo, hemp, and cotton. Made in an effort towards meeting all our material needs with natural products.


The main purpose is to bring together all practitioners and those seeking to live a healthy life under one umbrella organisation. This will allow the return to local governance and self-determination for groups and organisations. It will also provide the opportunity to trade and exchange goods and services.

The ultimate purpose of this organisation is to offer sovereignty to all members by providing an alternative to existing social structures.


Spectrom proposes the establishment and ongoing development of Intentional communities. The communities will be based on The 12 Sectors of Community presented in THE NATURE OF LIFE, setting the foundation for a common truth and common purpose. The emphasis is to restore social connectivity, fostering a true experience of kinship and a sense of belonging. They will provide the opportunity to share resources and knowledge.

The intent is to offer a replicable model centred on Universal Truths and Natural Laws, so people can create their own thriving community. The vision is to eventually initiate a network of integrated communities around the world.


Educational and inspirational documentaries, films and magazines that uplift humanity, created to expand hearts and minds and restore awareness of the true human potential.


Spectrom is developing a biofeedback device that incorporates all existing technology in the field of biofeedback and neurofeedback combined with all of Brian’s own research and development.