In Honour of Angus Anguri
Have you ever wondered:
Why do you want to be happy and not sad?
Why do you want to be healthy and not sick?
Why do you want to be loved and not hated?
Why do you want to be young and not old?
Why do you want to be at Peace and not war?
Why do you want pleasure and not pain? Better and not worse?
If you can't answer these questions in a way that is beyond duality, you will keep going around in circles. The world today has most people seemingly getting nowhere. Despite all the wisdom of the ages, all the modern conveniences, all the latest gadgets, all the cutting edge technologies, all the leading edge seminars and workshops - most people tell me nearly everything in their life is getting worse. This is supported by the undeniable fact that every Life supporting factor on Earth is in the red. So where does that all leave us? There's got to be more to life than the external hamster wheel and the internal merry-go-round. Well, I am glad you asked.
When you take a big enough step back from the world, and go deep enough within yourself, you will soon realise the reason we desire the positive over the negative is they are closer to what is our NATURAL State. Until you realise you seeking what you do is because you are naturally wanting to return to your Natural State, then there will be the tendency to overlook the path necessary. If it is our Natural State, then the only way to get there is by living in harmony with Nature.
This gives rise to two more questions - what is our true potential to live in harmony with Nature? And within that whole experience, what would be the true meaning and purpose of this life? Without over simplifying it, our true potential is to be at One with the Source of this Universe. Again, once you go inwards enough, you will discover the Divine Nature is Oneness, Bliss and Immortality. Therefore, the true meaning of life is to have as much fun as possible, and the true purpose of life is to share that fun with as many people as possible.
The true definition of fun is to fully experience and express the unique creative genius within you - and do this spontaneously with improvisation. Only when there is room for improvisation in your experience and expression is there any true fun. This translates to a conscious connection to your Nature, which leads to the development and growth in your character. The only way to magnify the fun factor in life is to share it with as many people as possible. So just living in complete harmony with nature is not enough. We must also consciously live true according to our individual and collective potential and purpose. This is why so many people escape to nature on family holidays and on weekends with friends.
But what about when it's not the weekend and we are not on holidays, and we are in the thick of work and domestic life? How do we bring the Essence of Life back into the NOW? How do we stay being the person we are when we are away travelling or on holidays while we are in over our heads doing life? How do we find that state and hold onto it? Is it possible to even do it?
The best way to guarantee your success is to know how to truly support yourself. After all, if we can’t learn to stay aligned and connected within ourselves, then it is not possible to connect with others and serve them in living the Truth. Therefore, I would like to introduce you to your new best friend - Homunculus. He or she has all the answers you need.
Mpj29 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]
But first, let me tell you where he/she is from and why they are here to help you. They actually live inside your brain. Surprised? Well, life can be full of surprises once you are are truly open. Homunculus is made up of the relative portions allocated to the motor and sensory areas of your brain.
By OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site., Jun 19, 2013., CC BY 3.0,
The size of its LIPS mean that you must keep a smile on your face at all times - regardless of what appears to be unfolding in you or the world around you. Be happy and at Peace knowing it is inevitable that you fulfil your true potential and purpose.
The size of its HANDS means you must direct all energies into your creative intuitive flow, doing all the things you love to the point where you experience self-forgetfulness.
The size of its TONGUE means you can communicate the joyfulness with everyone you come into contact with.
Homunculus’ entire Being supports the Law - First BE; then DO; then, if necessary - when asked - TELL. Put a smile on your face, and immerse yourself in doing all the hands-on things you love, until you know who you are. Until then, forget about anything and everyone who will distract you away from this journey. Just mind your own business, and live and let live. Then you will experience everything inside of you rise up, and inspire you towards your potential. Only once you have fulfilled your true potential will you be able to take your place in the world and fulfil your Purpose.
So let’s see if we can streamline and accelerate the whole process. Keep in mind - the closer to the Truth something is, the more instant it becomes. We already accept that we are returning to our Natural State, which never went anywhere – so that means, we can return to that state fully and instantly. It is just a matter of knowing how.
I am now going to show you the best reset technique for whenever you feel stressed and feel like you have lost the plot. You can do this lying down, sitting or standing up.
Hold your arms up above your head like in the victory stance.
Put a huge smile on your face.
Stick your tongue all the way out.
Fully empty your lungs.
Pull your navel in towards your spine.
Do this with others whenever you can or need to.
Consciously doing these activities will send all the sensory and motor input to your inner Homunculus and activate your Natural State. This practice draws upon all the natural physiological, biochemical, bioelectrical, neurological and quantum pathways within you that support being present. This is how simple and fulfilling Life gets. To stay present, you only need to do these things in the above order.
The importance of this practice cannot be understated. Your life is determined by the dominant force, whether it is of internal or external origin. This practice ensures the dominant force at work in your reality supports your Natural State. To help you fully understand the power of this practice, we will look at each factor individually.
Wherever you go in the world, you can see people throw their arms up in the air when they win something. It is a natural expression of joy, like the laughing Buddha statues. For those who know my neurological work, it is the empowered expression of the Moro Reflex.
Have you noticed how smiles and yawns are the two most contagious things?
Smiles transmit the True Nature of Life within us all. Yawning is suppression or oppression of some element within Life. Science continues to confirm how much of our development as an infant depends on the facial expressions of those around us. Swami Paramahansa Yogananda said that it was so important to smile that if you weren’t smiling you had to go to a mirror and push the corners of your mouth up.
You simply need to keep a big smile on your face at all times. If you are meditating without a smile on your face, then like Sam Harris says, “You are only thinking with your eyes closed”. The same Laws apply when you are doing yoga, tai chi, sport or anything designed to heal or empower you. Smiling keeps you in an enlightened state where you see everything for what it is. This is supported by sayings like, “To be enlightened you must be light-hearted.” When you do so, you will be a living example of our Natural State. Your every thought, word and deed will bring out and affirm the Natural State in others.
This factor is only essential when you are really stressed. Stick your tongue right out as if you are touching your chin. It activates primal areas of your brain and enhances the muscular action associated with the other factors.
If you breath all the way, then hold your breath for a few moments, you will find that you can breathe out even more. If you hold the breath out again, you can probably then breathe out some more. This is how you empty your lungs. This needs to be done gently but firmly - in a way that it remains effortless but feels strong. Over time, you can gradually increase the range of your breath, so you will be able to empty your lungs in one go. By emptying your lungs, you effectively get underneath the energies playing out in your body and mind.
When you empty your lungs, you need to pull your navel inwards as if it is going to touch the inside of your spine. Again, this needs to be done gently but firmly. When you activate these muscles, it is the equivalent of laughing until your sides hurt. The old saying, “Laugh your guts out” means you are fully engaging all the muscles that send the signals to your brain that you are fully and joyfully expressing yourself.
When you put all these activities together and do them at the same time, it is impossible to feel emotional or depressed. They literally bypass all the pathways holding onto the old stories and patterns of behaviour. You can start your day with a big morning stretch activating all these pathways and set yourself up for a great day - following your intuition on the best possible timeline. The only thing better than this is being able to consciously share the experience or journey.
Then, you slowly breathe in below your navel. Then you hold your breath in relaxed, breath in a little bit more, then a bit more. Then gently hold it in until you naturally need to breathe out, then slowly breathe all the way out again, relaxing your arms by your side. Repeat until you feel the shift.
One of my favourite words is magnificence – or magnifying the Essence. The best way to magnify the Essence is to share the experience or expression with others. What is even more magnificent about the simple method above is: once you know it, you can transmit the Truth to others just as quickly and effectively.
Many people mistakenly believe life is about keeping a balance. That is just a watered down truth to keep everyone dis-empowered and falling short of our potential. The fact is, the Natural State is based on the constant Evolution of Consciousness itself, which means everything must maintain the state of growth to remain in the Flow. It is only in the collective Flow that we can experience our true Divine Purpose.
Instead of living with purpose, we are like animals born in captivity, almost void of any sense of our true state of Being. So this means it is no one's faults and everyone is just doing the best they can with what they have got. There are obviously the extremes of how people think and behave, but regardless of how things appear, we are all equal and in this together. So we have to embrace and celebrate the diversity and honour each individual on their journey.
If those around you don’t unconditionally support you on your journey and live according to The Conditions of Unconditional Sharing, then "Just smile and wave boys.." Life is too short to waste with people who are not genuine or authentic. Once you find your true path of fun and creativity, the Universe will present a whole new group of friends to live and share your Life with. It is also important to remember - your Soul is unique, so your empowerment will be lost in comparisons.
There is an old saying, “Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.” This reflects our innate desire to share in the joy of life. Man’s eternal question has been, “Who am I?” These kinds of stresses will remain a factor in our lives until we awaken to who we really are and why we are here. The only way we can do that is to stop taking everything so personally and seriously. (That means we can now do laughter yoga together and laugh away all the foolishness.)
So just to spell this out clearly, and make it black and white – your Flow state is your Natural State! I realise it sounds like it sets the bar unrealistically high, but it is all relative to how far away from nature we are. Indigenous cultures have shared living in the Flow as a community for hundreds of years, and would think society today is completely insane.
Yes, how we live in today’s world feels very real – but it will never ever be True. You must realise that nothing less than living in harmony with Nature will remove the stress from your life. Irrespective of how much you feel trapped living in this zoo, you can still activate and stay in your Natural State. This stage of the game requires us to free ourselves from the cage and escape the zoo altogether. We can then leave that story behind once and for all, and get on with living and sharing our true potential and purpose. But the whole journey begins with awakening to our Natural State, then consciously following your intuition and taking the next step towards the new paradigm.
It stands to reason, the more you consciously go back to a pure, simple, natural, wholistic lifestyle, the more Life will support you in being whole and complete. Society will tempt you into believing you have to become someone, rather than just Be - here and now. The more conviction, commitment and devotion you have towards your potential and purpose, the more doors the Universe will throw open. Life is all or nothing, so be prepared to do whatever it takes to Be all that you are.
Love and Light
Brian Gerard Schaefer :)
If you would like a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now
Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.