You have to be realistic and EXPECT MIRACLES


This article is the first in a series of three on the nature and power of our thoughts and intentions. I will be sharing for the first time many of my perspectives on these often controversial topics. I will explain the key factors influencing our states of mind and consciousness, which determine our level of clarity and ability to focus our intentions.

This topic has been widely discussed since the dawn of time, but I feel very few people today have any real conscious awareness of the true nature and power of our intentions. When was 19, I realised that our true potential and purpose was available to everyone in each moment. I thought that if it is available, then I claim it - and nothing and no one was going to get in the way of me living the Truth.

Ever since then, I have been exploring every facet of our mind and consciousness. I have looked into every possible influence on our individual and collective realities. I was in search of the true human potential, which meant I needed to learn what makes us the way we are, and why we live as we do. I needed to know if and how we could change and our potential for real change. Ultimately, I was seeking to discover the true meaning and purpose of Life.

Today, most people are too busy to contemplate these topics, let alone go deep into them. Hence, I thought I would offer my perspective to save everyone decades of study and research. I am going to share how you can tune your energies to the highest state possible in every moment. I will also reveal how to discern the real intentions of those around you, especially those aiding in our ability to heal and grow.

I will start the exploration into our thoughts and intentions by asking some simple and direct questions:

Do you have the highest and purest intentions within your every thought, word and deed?

Do you know how to raise your energies and thoughts to the highest state possible?

Do you believe that being able to do so is important or necessary?

If we seek to live in Peace and harmony with each other, then we must know exactly how to attain and maintain pure thoughts and intentions. If we can’t, then we can never expect to find and fulfil our innate potential, and we will fail to fulfil our true Purpose – as individuals and a collective.

At the risk of sounding like I am off my meds, one of the masters I spent time with showed me how to perform what is called Shaktipat. In Hinduism, this refers to the transmission of spiritual energy to another person. Shaktipat is considered an act of grace and can be transmitted to a person in various ways, even at a distance, or through an object such as a flower or fruit.

This was the very first thing he revealed to me. He was making sure I fully understood the power of pure intentions, and the effect my intentions needed to have on everything and everyone. You may be wondering that if Shaktipat is a pure expression of Unconditional Love, then why don’t all the masters instantly transmit the Truth into everyone? That is a relevant question, and the answer is simple - Life is a game of Self-Realisation. If they all performed Shaktipat on everyone, then it would be game over. It would be like someone doing your jigsaw puzzle for you, which defeats the Purpose.  

Interfering with another’s journey is the equivalent of helping a butterfly out of its chrysalis. It prevents the activation of its wings so it is left unable to fly. Therefore, the spiritual masters gave me strict instructions to never give the game away. They said if I did attempt to do so when the recipient wasn’t ready, they would totally miss the point. I know that is true because I did try.

I was told to live as nothing more than a Divine Instrument, and I wasn’t allowed to reveal the Truth unless it was absolutely necessary. The current state of the world now deems it necessary that I reveal some of the essential elements of what I have learned. Those who read this and are ready to receive this information will come to understand the true power of our intentions, and how to ensure their purity.

A key element to Shaktipat is, depending on the level of transmission, the shift in consciousness within the recipient is rarely permanent. The energy is essentially shared to create Reference Points of Truth within the recipient. They then need to find their way back to that state by themselves, as they journey towards full Self-Realisation.

We have to honour the fact that each person will inevitably awaken, but it will be in their own time and way. We all have to live and let live and only maintain the highest and purest intentions towards all Beings and Forms. You must only intervene if and when needed, but you also have to keep it to an absolute minimum. Otherwise, it becomes an interference on their journey.

The Shaktipat Meditation I am about to share with you is a visualisation from the Adara Meditation I teach. Adara is the Sanskrit word for honour, so this visualisation honours the pure expression of the Divine state, which the Adara Meditation is based upon. I share ‘The Supreme Divine Meditation’ in the workshops to enable people to consciously attain and maintain the experience of The Divine State. This state is where you are all-knowing, all-powerful and all-present, but it is not appropriate to share it in a blog.

The first step of The Shaktipat Meditation is to focus your attention on the highest and purest state you can attain. I call this putting yourself on the leading edge of your consciousness. You can do this by visualising going into Heaven or Nirvana and being a Supernatural Divine Being. In this state, you are infinitely creative and able to spontaneously perform miracles. You can instantaneously and effortlessly manifest anything you can imagine. You can instantly morph into any form you wish, or travel anywhere within time and space.

The most important element within this state is the connection you have with the pure creative energy within consciousness. In doing so, you merge with the infinite and eternal Nature of the Divine’s Creation. This automatically instils a connection to our true Divine Nature – Oneness, Bliss and Immortality.

The second step of The Shaktipat Meditation is to honour how All Beings and Forms are equal within the Divine Oneness. Therefore, All Beings have the same Supernatural abilities and potential to be infinitely creative. This step honours The Meaning of Life, which is to have fun, and The Purpose of Life, which the potential to share that fun. The act of sharing the fun naturally magnifies The Divine Essence, so we naturally seek to share the experience with as many people as possible. It is the nature of Oneness and Bliss in its purest expression.

The true beauty of Heaven or Nirvana is that everyone in that realm is fully awake to the Divinity within the All. We see everyone and everything in their true liberated state, experiencing and expressing their uniqueness. We have only the highest and purest intentions towards ourselves and each other.

Everyone in this realm experiences being whole and complete, and are empowered with absolute Divine Energy and Intelligence. Therefore, no one needs any form of healing, guidance, counselling or help. There are no external roles, obligations, commitments, responsibilities, restrictions or limitations determining who and what we are. This completely dissolves any residue of identification of who and what we believed we were on the Earthly plane. Therefore, the true purpose of this meditation is to dissolve any and all limiting beliefs we have towards ourselves and others.

The third step in the meditation is to honour the fact that you have the ability to transfer this state into others at Will. Imagine if you were on Earth in the middle of a mob of angry people. As you gracefully walk through the crowd, you gently touch each person on the heart and they instantly awaken to their Divinity. They then continue to instantly transfer the state into everyone they cross paths with. If you zoom out into space, you can watch the awakening spread to the hearts of all Earth inhabitants.

Shaktipat is a natural ability that comes with Being in a pure state and is no big deal or mystery. The act is naturally unconditional because you are able to see the Being or Form for who and what it really is. You are strong enough and clear enough to see beyond all the layers of delusion and illusion. Regardless of how evil or dark its state, you are able to share the Love and Light. The real bliss within this act comes from being able to share without expecting anything in return, which is the essence of the Zen and Taoist philosophies.

The true meaning and purpose to Life on Earth are to consciously live and share the fullness of our Divine Nature. Therefore, the next step of The Shaktipat Meditation is to consciously bring this state into your human form. You do this by visualising the Supernatural Divine Body floating down and superimposing itself over your human body. You sense every cell in your body tale on the vibration and frequency of the Divine State. As it does, you see and feel all dis-ease, energy blockages and resistance areas in your body and mind instantly dissolve in the full Light of Awareness. 

When you can consciously maintain the Divine State, you are in what is called the State of Grace. This State is a flow of immense creativity, where your Heart is saturated with Love and Bliss and your senses are immersed in Beauty, Goodness and Freedom. This state enables you to Know that you are beyond duality and the influence of everything and everyone. The depth of Peace that comes with this Knowing gives you all the strength and power you need to fulfil your potential and purpose here on Earth.

The next step of the meditation is to consciously share this state with as many people as you can. Your intention is to INSTANTLY have every Being and Form you serve to fully awaken to their true Divine Nature. Regardless of the depth and intensity of their state and story, they instantly realise who they are and how they must Be, and what are required to DO for everyone they come in contact with.

Ultimately, everything is black and white, all or nothing. The Universe and Divine don’t care whether or not you like this fact. Now that you are aware of The State of Grace, it is essential to maintain it at all times. You are either in that state or you are not. If you are not, then you must do as one of the masters commanded, “Sit down, shut up and be quiet until you are”.

Your true potential and purpose are to maintain The State of Grace while living in the modern world. It ensures you maintain the flow of inward coming thoughts, which guide you towards fulfilling the inevitable and ultimate shared experience. Therefore, you need to be able to stay anchored in the State of Grace before taking on any roles, especially healing. Until then, your efficacy in serving others will be severely lacking.

Essentially, if you cannot stay anchored in that space within yourself, you will not be able to truly ‘hold space’ for others. At best, you may be able to help them move from a negative state to a positive state, or a positive state to a more positive state. However, it is unlikely you will be able to facilitate in any true change, which takes them beyond duality and into The Natural State. Growth is when you are able to consciously maintain Synergy in all areas of your Life. This enables you to remain in the State of Grace as you apply, practice and cultivate True Knowledge towards transformation.

Guiding you towards attaining and maintaining The State of Grace is the main focus of my books and the healing techniques I have developed - Universal Kinetics, Universal Ho’oponopono (YouTube) and The Universal Method. They are designed to help you consciously heal, grow and transform, so that you can serve others to do the same.

The Universe is asking you just one thing – Be you, and DO you. Your mission, whether you choose to accept it or not, is to unconditionally love and serve all beings and forms – even when they are being ignorant and arrogant assholes. Therefore, if you are not in The State of Grace, you are simply bearing false witness on humanity and the world.

The nature of our energies mean that they are either expanding or contracting. They may freeze before expanding or contracting, but they will end up going one way or the other. The challenge is to keep your energies EXPANDING at all times, regardless of what happens to you or unfolds around you.

If you want to know the true nature of something, you have to take it to the absolute extreme. If you want to know how pure intentions are, you imagine what would happen if you multiplied them indefinitely. You will soon see whether they are going towards Heaven or hell. If you continually amplified dualistic intentions, the result will be hell on Earth. If you endlessly magnified pure intentions, the outcome would be Nirvana for all.

There is a fun way of practising this, towards yourself and others. I will get you to be fully aware of your energies and feel what happens when I get you to imagine me giving you one billion dollars. What did your energies do? If they in anyway froze or contracted, then there are underlying beliefs of being unworthy and undeserving to BE all that you are, or not feeling you have the right or permission to DO all you are able to do and share.

Alternatively, imagine if I gave that money to the person who is perhaps causing you the most issues. Imagine that person experiencing Peace and Joy. If you feel even the slightest freeze or contraction while observing that, it means you are not free of all doubt, judgment and question, guilt, shame or blame.

If your energies ever freeze or contract, you need to practice the visualisation and techniques mentioned above on yourself - before directing any energy towards others. Remember, your natural state requires you to be full to overflowing before engaging in the world. Everything you live and share needs to be an unconditional outpouring of the purity of your Divine Heart.

Knowing this Meditation empowers you with the Reference Points of Truth, which enables you to quickly and easily self-correct should you ever deviate of the Path. As your existing cellular memories and programmed associations dissolve into Awareness, you will be able to remain anchored in the State of Grace.

This perspective and approach to Life empowers you in every way. The Truth about EVERYTHING is self-evident, indisputable and undeniable. This is why it is a waste of time and energy debating and arguing with anyone. The clarity you have will enable you to address any conflict and confusion in a very deliberate manner. You will know how to set the record straight whenever you have to address those set on slandering and criticising you. However, you have to honour the fact that sometimes, as the saying goes, “No amount of evidence will convince a fool.” There may be times when you have to walk away and… just smile and wave.

The state enables you to sense other people’s intentions and reactions. Every thought, word and deed reflects a level of ignorance or awareness. You can immediately tell if someone is responding from this conscious state or reacting from a dualistic state. When dualistic people sense you are coming from this state, they often feel uncomfortable in that they may be judged for their impurities or feel threatened if they are egoic and competitive.

When you are dealing with people stuck in duality, you may appear to be always trying to be right or be one-up on them. The ironic thing is that you are being and doing the opposite, but they won’t be able to realise that. But that’s OK because you may not need to play a role in their journey.

It is essential to realise that it impossible to attain or maintain the state of Grace if you are not minding your own business. You have to see Life as a game, where society is there to tempt you into believing you need to think about things instead of trusting your feelings. It is very simple once you accept that unless something or someone comes directly to you, then it is none of your business. This is one of the key Truths humanity denies.

When you accept the inevitability of your and everyone’s full embodiment of Divine Grace, you are able to be at Peace and Free of all worldly cares and concerns. You are Liberated, which means you are no longer just pursuing wants and needs, you are free to Be all that you have been made to Be. In the Universal Ho’opononopono we honour the fact that everyone will eventually experience full retribution and redemption.

Maintaining the State of Grace enables you to transcend all the factors that fed into your past. Instead of making reactive decisions, you are able to make conscious choices as you follow your guidance and answer The Beckoning. It is only once you are liberated of duality can you truly celebrate Life with all those around you.

You still have to keep your sword drawn and be willing to use it. There is no need to waste your time and energy on people who are not authentic and genuine. You don’t have to feel bad about blowing people off when they reject and deny what you share. It may not be their time to awaken, or it may not be your role and someone else down the track will serve them. Either way, you can walk away without any judgment knowing - that despite all appearances - it is inevitable they wake up.

Where I used to live in South India, they have a wonderful term for those who are authentic and genuine in their intentions towards you - “well-wishers”. To be honest, I have only had a handful of genuine well-wishers on my journey. You may be experiencing the same thing, but you can't let this hold you back or stop you from devoting yourself to your Path. You have to claim your right to BE all that you are, and give yourself permission DO everything you know is necessary for your growth and fulfilment.

Now that you are awake, you can live in Peace with the highest and purest intent towards All. As you consciously grow towards your destiny, you now have to be realistic and expect miracles in your Life, and be ready to be the miracle in other’s lives.

Love and Light to All

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you would like to read more, click on my other blogs. If you would like to a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

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Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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