HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE WHO IS CRAZY: A different perspective and approach to resolving conflict

This blog is specifically for those who understand The Nature of Life material, or those genuinely seeking to explore another perspective and approach to the many problems within how we communicate. Those who understand The Whole-In-One material may appreciate it even more.

As you know, I am very exact with defining everything in share, and today's topic definitely includes some exactness. Those who lack the relative Intelligences often interpret what I share as being very intellectual. Therefore, I am not sharing this with anyone who cannot take it relation to my overall work.

I am going to share some points relating to communicating with people who are in The  Human Condition, but don't know they are - and instead think they are aware. In yesterday's chat with the Ngangkari, they asked me to explain how we can determine whether someone is aware or not, and how to communicate with them relative to where they are at on The Scale of Knowledge. They said I need to learn how to talk to someone even though they may be completely crazy and delusional.

Interpersonal Intelligence is one of my weaker areas, so dealing with people in the Human Condition is definitely not something I have even been interested in learning. However, given recent encounters and the fact that the clotshots are going to cause more and more people to collapse into The Human Condition - and there will be less and less people capable of communicating with me for where I am at -  I thought it best to consider learning how to accommodate people in all dualistic states of mind.

The Ngangkari put everything into context, so I will share with you exactly what they told me - so far. They started by explaining how being Aware of The Truth means having a conscious connection to the holographic 12 Divine Elements at work within the holographic 6 Elements of Consciousness.

An individual's Level of Awareness is directly in proportion to their conscious connection to The Universal Principles within and between all 6 Elements of Consciousness. The more one is connected to the Laws, Dynamics and Processes within and between all of the 4 Components of Being, the higher the Level of Awareness.

The more one is connected to the holographic nature of The Universal Principles, the deeper the Awareness is within and between all Components of Being. The full depth of the Awareness is a conscious connection to all Divine, Universal and Natural Laws at work within and between all Dynamics and Processes. This Awareness translates into being connected to the holographic Universal Principles at work within and between ALL 6 Elements of Life. The State of Pure Awareness is when all 18 Elements of Conscious Awareness have developed and integrated on all 9 Levels of Being.

So, that is the theory. Now for the practical.

Anyone who is genuinely seeking The Truth is consciously or unconsciously seeking connection to the Universal Principles. Anyone authentically seeking the Truth will be consciously or unconsciously seeking the inner connections first.

So the question is, how do we determine where someone is truly at within themselves and Life?

Those who know The Whole-In-One material will know how to determine this, however, we need to be able to communicate that back to the people we connect with in a way they are willing to honour. So how do we do that relative to those deep in The Human Condition?

The answer is pretty simple - ask the right questions.

The most common trait in humanity these days is narcissism. What do narcissists like to do more than anything else? Talk about themselves and what they know and have done. Therefore, this is our point of entry into their delusional world. We simply ask them direct questions in relation to the Universal Principles - particularly the Laws governing things.

People with mental health issues and personality disorders are often too overwhelmed with emotion or too full of their own opinions to be willing to listen to anything we have to share. Therefore, we never need to tell them anything of what we know or are aware of, we simply keep asking questions and let them dig themselves into an intellectual hole.

We can even incorporate The Universal Method questions, but the key point is to not tell them anything unless they directly ask. If they do ask, request exact details of the point they are trying to understand. In so doing - and if it is not already obvious - you will determine where they are coming from and why according to The 12 Intentions Behind Asking a Question.

Then you ask more questions as you give them each snippet of an answer, which is relative to where they are coming from. So, you give a tiny bit of information, then ask if they agree or disagree. If they disagree, you ask what the exact Universal Principles are that support their opinion or belief. Then you challenge them by asking more questions regarding each opinion and belief.

The constant questioning challenges the Compensatory Pathways in a non-violent unintrusive way, because they still think you are asking out of a genuine interest in them and seeing it as an opportunity to divulge their knowledge and wisdom. Eventually, as Nature will have it, they will eventually reach the limits of their constructs and their compensations will start to fail and collapse like a cascade. When they get to this point, they have to admit they are at their limits through some form of acknowledgement, and this is when the conversation ends.

The idea is to arrive at this point without and resistance or opposition from them. Let them dig their own hole. The language you use the whole way through is acting like an NLP session and embeds seeds of Reference Points each step of the way. The purpose of this is to surreptitiously replace their vocabulary with one that will facilitate the redirection of their thought processes. This will start with their internal dialogue and then reflect in their external communications.

After the conversation, the seeds you planted will be so deep and undeniably present within their thoughts that they will eventually become the dominant force. We can do all this without any trace of conflict or confusion, and without having to spend the time and energy to master all the other communication techniques. When all you do is ask questions, which appears to be showing an interest in their personality and reality, then there are no grounds for them to be triggered. Once they arrive at their limits, it is then a matter of letting Nature take its course and watching their destiny unfold.

This is all relevant if you have the time, energy and resources required to accommodate such people and encounters. I personally have had my sword drawn ready to use. But like I said, that will probably have to change very soon - and not just for me. Hence, the introduction to the concept of still being able to communicate Truth with even those who are seemingly too far gone.

I am exploring literally everything to do with all the different mentalities and personalities as I research THE NATURE OF MIND material. The deeper I dive, the more I realise why THE NATURE OF LIFE went over most people's heads. The main factor is the conditioning and programming that limits the development and integration of natural pathways, which create The 81 Intelligences. This lack results in the inability to develop and integrate Reference Points of Truth, which limits people to the construction and amalgamation of Compensatory Associations, forming the basis of the 81 Intellectual Abilities.

The key point to communicating with dualistic people in the Human Condition is realising they don't know they are limited to duality. All the different personalities are the result of how the Compensatory Associations are indexed relative to their conditioning and programming, including all the abuse, neglect and trauma they have experienced.

The various factors that play out in the different personalities are too many to cover here and will be presented in the book, but the main one is the sense of being superior or inferior. Only people with Reference Points are capable of feeling equality, otherwise, there is always an underlying element of competition - be it the display of morals, intellects, virtues, philosophies. This is why such people do NOT know when to stop and are NOT able to identify the fact that what they are saying or doing is inappropriate or irrelevant to what Truth we may be seeking to share.

Encounters with people in The Human Condition often see them become extremely territorial regarding their apparent area of expertise. If they are triggered, they will narcissistically attack others’ opinions, unable to realise they have a completely different point of view, which is our perspective and approach to everything in our reality. Our realities are based on either The 18 Elements of Conscious Awareness or The 18 Elements of Ego Reality.

Remember, people without Reference Points cannot develop any awareness. So, this is the main question. What happens when this limitation occurs?

They can only ever construct bigger and bigger theories and deeper and deeper philosophies. This limitation to the Dualistic Paradigm sets the grounds for potentially unlimited conflict and confusion. The narcissists and psychopaths who thrive in society know there are no limits, which is why politicians and media keep extending their lies and constructing more and more things like fake news and false flag events. There is literally no end to which they will not go to enforce their agenda. A narcissist will continue trying to argue until they prove their point. If they can't win an argument with you, they turn it around as proof that they are superior, and accuse you of being the narcissist or the one with the issues.

As Richard Grannon suggests, if you want to expose a narcissist, just tell them - no. Their egos will explode with indignance and self-importance, so they are often not able to stop projecting their opinions and beliefs. In the past, I have often deliberately blown people off when I knew they were not authentic or genuine. I simply lacked the Interpersonal Intelligence to deal with them or was not interested in playing that role. I would either refer them on to someone else, blow them off or deliberately challenge them in a way that would end the encounter to spare myself the time and energy.

There is a component to philosophy I have lived by that says, "Sometimes, you just have to throw the dog a bone", and many other parables, teachings etc. that support being offhanded with those who are not truly on the Path of Purity and Peace. As expected, they would often explode into all kinds of attitudes and behaviours. And often, it was from just saying no or setting a boundary they were simply not capable of honouring (due to their neurological deficits).

But it was what they frequently did and said afterwards that always interested me, though I could never get my head and heart around. They would often go into endless tirades of abuse, and try to enlist others against me by slandering me. They would even go as far as publishing private email conversations to build their case against me in a desperate bid to further construct their intellectual superiority, raise their status on the hierarchical ladder within their field of expertise, or elevate their moral or 'spiritual' high ground.

It is important to remember that people in the dualistic state actually have no true sense of Love. They speak and act as if they do know and feel it, but truly speaking, it is only a degree of affection, dependency, empathy or sympathy. The lack of true Compassion or Love is why they are so easily triggered - it always goes back to their wants and needs, based on their priorities and reasonings - and not from a true sense of honour or in being of service to All.

I have never had the time or interest to explore the Universal Principles governing the dualistic states - until now! I was bombarded by encounters with some hostiles this week, which made me realise it is time to get to the bottom of this topic. The whole dilemma is, the more you try to debate or argue with a person with a massive ego - which is more or less a mental health issue or personality disorder - the deeper the hole you dig. This is fine if you know how to get out of it, or can just walk away unphased, but it doesn't serve to heal the other person - which at some point on the Ultimate Timeline must happen.

As you know, I always wanted to work on the Top-down component of the leading edge of humanity and not the Bottom-up component of the comet tail. But that has all had to change in the last few years, and now I am having to learn how to be nice to people instead of hitting them on the chin, or drawing my sword and shinging them.

Writing THE NATURE OF MIND has meant I am not just having to learn to talk nicely and accommodate people, I am having to unearth the root causes of their states and conditions. It is not something I ever imagined having to do as I always thought someone in the relative fields would apply the material to their own work and share it with humanity. However, it appears that role has been given to me, so I am approaching it in the only way I know how - wholistically and without leaving a single stone unturned. (And to be completely honest, it has been quite interesting so far. Not how I want to be spending my time, but it is OK. I would much prefer to be working on THE NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS material, which is much more interesting with all the maths, physics etc.)

The task that lies ahead is significant in magnitude - defining all the components within THE NATURE OF MIND as I have done in THE NATURE OF LIFE. In the last few days, I have been forced to develop ways of articulating the exact nature and intent of what I am developing. The biggest factor is being able to communicate exactly what I DON'T yet know. Without having the new model NATURE OF MIND Model completed, it has been a challenge to get my head and heart around where I am going with this topic, let alone explain it to anyone. But at this rate, I will have it all presentable soon enough. How long it will take for all the new material to go without saying is yet another thing.

I trust you enjoyed reading this info inspired by Beings on the other side of the veil. I know it certainly gave me hope in being able to deal with humanity for where it is at, and appears to be heading. The good news is that I am only just scratching the surface with this whole new perspective and approach. The Ngangkari clearly have a lot more to share on this topic and all others yet to come. Eventually, it will all go without saying, but until then, it is a case of taking it as it comes and doing the best we can to Love All, Serve All in each moment.

Love and Light to All

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


 If you would like a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read my books - THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, and INWARD BOUND: A collection of short stories capturing the heart of what it means to be human. Click on the link below to purchase your copies now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.